Real People. Real Results.
Democratic Party of Coos County
Monthly Central Committee Meetings
January to October: Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month.
Time: Meetings start at 5:30 PM
Location: Coos Bay Library.
November: Meeting is on the third Tuesday of the month.
December: No meeting.
Everyone is welcome!
Very Special Two-Part Meeting TOMORROW!!
Part I: Endorsements - ATTENTION PCPs!!
The filing deadline for the May Special Election is this Thursday at 5 PM. Once the candidate list is finalized, we must act fast to endorse, print, and distribute election materials. That's why we're holding our endorsement meeting before our Central Committee Meeting.
If you want to nominate a candidate for endorsement, contact us immediately! Email admin@coosdems.org.
Part II: Equal Rights for All Amendment Presentation
This month, we welcome members of the Stonewall Caucus of the Democratic Party of Oregon, who will present on the 2026 Ballot Initiative: Equal Rights for All.
This month’s Donation Drive: This month, the ARK Project is requesting full-size toiletries for those in need. Please bring what you can!
Over 70 people joined our
CoosDems Conversation on March 22!
The turnout was fantastic, with a mix of new and familiar faces, all coming together to connect, share a meal, and energize our growing community. We also generated so many powerful ideas to fight back and get involved that we couldn’t even get through our entire agenda!
SO, we’re keeping the momentum going!
Join us for a follow-up conversation on
Friday, April 12, at 12 PM at the Grange Hall.
Other ways to get involved.
Fridays at 4--Letter Writing and More! Fridays, 4pm
Take Action with People Power United Oregon
Protect & Resist: First 100 Days Action and Training Program:Wednesdays, 5-6pm
New and Upcoming Events
We’re Organizing Like Never Before