Central Committee Bylaws

Amended May 23, 2017
Adopted June 27, 2017

Adopted November 22, 2022


Adopted November 22, 2022

 The Coos County Democratic Central Committee shall be organized and operated pursuant to these bylaws, the bylaws of the Democratic Party of Oregon, and all relevant state and federal statutes, rules, regulations, and ordinances.




A.   The name of this organization is the Democratic Party of Coos County (DPCC), herein referred to as the “Central Committee.”  


B.   Purpose

The purpose shall be to:  

1.    Recruit and elect Democratic candidates;

2.    Promote the interests of the Democratic Party in Coos County;

3.    Represent the DPCC to the Democratic Party of Oregon (DPO);

4.    Encourage participation in the Democratic Party;

5.    Assist young people to participate in the Democratic Party; and

6.    Register new Democratic voters.




A.   Authority and Rules

The Central Committee shall have the power at its meetings to conduct business and shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order, revised.

B.   Governing Body

The Central Committee shall be the governing body of the party.


ARTICLE III – Democratic Central Committee


A.     Membership

The membership of the Central Committee, including the rights and privileges to attend all meetings and participate in all discussions, shall be open to:

1.    Voting members who are:

a.    Precinct Committee Persons (PCPs) duly elected in accordance with provisions of the Oregon Revised Statutes;

b.    Precinct Committee Persons duly appointed by elected Precinct Committee Persons; and

c.    All elected officers of the Central Committee.

2.    Non-voting members who are voter residents of Coos County and registered in the Democratic Party, and all Democratic elected officeholders who are elected in a partisan race and who are residents of Coos County.

3.    Non-voting members are not counted toward a quorum of the Central Committee.

B.    Vacancies

1.    The Central Committee may appoint a person as a Precinct Committee Person (PCP) who is a registered Democrat and whose precinct residency qualifies by law.

2.    Such a person’s name shall be submitted to the Central Committee and appointed no sooner than the next regularly scheduled meeting.

3.    Such appointed PCPs shall hold office for the unexpired term thereof and shall have the same powers, duties, and privileges as Committee Persons elected in the primaries, except the power to vote for Executive Board Officers.

C.    Resignations

1.    A voting member of the Central Committee may resign by written notice to the Chairperson of the Central Committee and such resignation will be effective immediately, unless otherwise specified by the person resigning.

D.    Meetings

1.    The Central Committee shall meet once a month unless otherwise called.

2.    The meeting place and date shall be determined by the Executive Committee.

3.    The meeting is to be called by the Secretary each month.

4.    Notice of all meetings shall be given by mail or email at least six (6) days prior to the date of the meeting.

5.    The proposed agenda shall be included in the notice.

6.    The public is invited to the monthly Central Committee meeting, but it is not invited to the Executive meeting.

E.    Quorum

1.    A quorum shall consist of fifteen (15) percent of the PCPs.

2.    If a quorum is not present, official business may not be transacted at that meeting.

3.    For the purpose of a vote to declare an official position or resolution on an issue, a quorum shall consist of forty percent (40%) of the Central Committee.


ARTICLE IV – Executive Board


A.   Executive Board Officers

1.    As required by statute, at every organizational meeting the Central Committee shall adopt bylaws and elect officers for a term to be effective until the next organizational meeting.

2.    The Officers of this organization shall be the:

                                          i.    Chairperson;

                                        ii.    1st Vice Chair;

                                       iii.    2nd Vice Chair;

                                       iv.    Secretary;

                                        v.    Treasurer; and

                                       vi.    Governor.

3.    Members of the Executive Board will be the Delegates to the State Central Committee and the Fourth Congressional District.

4.    The Executive Board shall meet prior to the Central Committee.

5.    Executive Board must approve expenditures outside the budgeted amounts. If unbudgeted expenditures exceed $200, the Executive Board will report it at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Central Committee. Normally, the Treasurer and the Chairperson will sign checks unless they are related, and then that duty will fall to the Treasurer and the 1st Vice Chair.

B.   Eligibility for Central Committee Executive Board Officers

1.    Any legal resident of the county and a registered Democrat.

2.    Officers do not have to be Precinct Committee Persons.

3.    All persons nominated for Officers shall either be present or have a letter presented declaring their willingness to serve at their time of nomination.

C.   Duties

1.    Chairperson

                                          i.    The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Central Committee and perform such duties as are customarily delegated to the office of Chairperson.

                                        ii.    The Chairperson serves as a DPO (Democratic Party of Oregon) Delegate; and

                                       iii.    The Chairperson serves as an ex-officio member of all committees or shall assign the 1st or 2nd Vice Chairs to serve in that capacity.

2.    1st Vice Chair:  

                                          i.    In the absence of the Chairperson, the 1st Vice Chair shall perform the duties of the Chairperson; and

                                        ii.    Shall discharge responsibilities the Chairperson may assign.

                                       iii.    The 1st Vice Chair serves as a Fourth Congressional District Delegate.

3.    2nd Vice Chair:

                                          i.    Will serve as chair of the Budget Committee; and

                                        ii.    Shall discharge responsibilities the Chairperson may assign.

4.    Secretary

                                          i.    The Secretary shall prepare the minutes of the Central Committee meetings;

                                        ii.    Keep all records; and

                                       iii.    Perform other duties as the Executive Board and Chairperson may direct.

5.    Treasurer

                                          i.    The Treasurer shall work with the Budget Committee and shall be the custodian of all funds of the Central Committee;

                                        ii.    Shall furnish written monthly status reports of the treasury;

                                       iii.    Shall accurately complete and file the required Contributions and Expenditures reports in accordance with Oregon Revised Statutes; and

                                       iv.    Shall maintain financial records.

6.    Governor

                                          i.    The Governor shall be elected from among former Chairs.

                                        ii.    If former chairs are unavailable or unwilling to serve, candidates for Governor may be nominated from among past Executive Board members.

D.   Vacancies

1.    In case of the resignation, incapacity, or death of the Chairperson, the 1st Vice Chair shall become the Chairperson for the unexpired term of the Chairperson.

2.    The Central Committee shall elect Executive Board Officers to any other vacancy for the offices of 2nd Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Governor, or Delegates.

E.   Terms of Office

1.    Officers shall serve from the organizational meeting following the General Election until the reorganization following the next General Election as specified in Oregon Revised Statutes.

2.    Reorganization shall be in compliance with ORS-248.033 and state party bylaws.

F.    Meetings

1.    The Executive Board shall meet prior to the Central Committee meeting for the purpose of facilitating the business of the Central Committee.

2.    At the Chairperson’s prerogative, a special meeting of the Executive Board may be called.

3.    All actions taken by the Executive Board will be reported to the Central Committee at its next regularly scheduled meeting.


ARTICLE V – Delegates and Alternates


A.   There shall be Delegates and Alternates to the Democratic State Central Committee and to the Fourth Congressional District Committee in accordance with State Central Committee bylaws.

B.   The Chairperson shall serve as a Democratic Party of Oregon Delegate.

C.   The 1st Vice Chair shall serve as a Fourth Congressional District Committee Delegate.

D.   The 2nd Vice Chair will serve as an Alternate Delegate for the Fourth Congressional District Committee if the 1st Vice Chair is unable to attend.

E.   Additional Delegates and Alternates shall be elected by the Central Committee.

F.    When a Delegate from the Central Committee is unable to attend a meeting, the Chairperson shall appoint an Alternate Delegate to attend with full voting privileges.


ARTICLE VI – Committees


A.   The Budget Committee shall be chaired by the 2nd Vice Chair and consist of the Treasurer, the  1st Vice Chair, and at least one other Central Committee member not on the Executive Board. It shall study the financial needs of the organization and shall be responsible for drafting and presenting an annual budget.

B.   There shall be additional such committees as the Chairperson or the Central Committee shall establish.


ARTICLE VII – Amendments


A.   These bylaws shall be subject to amendment at any Central Committee meeting providing that the proposed amendment, together with the bylaws it would change, are presented at a meeting of the Central Committee, notice of the changes is made by mail or email, and action on the proposed amendment is taken at the next meeting of the Central Committee.


ARTICLE VIII – Affirmative Action


A.   The Central Committee shall insure the widest and fairest representation in its organization and activities.

B.   All rules shall be adopted by procedures that assure the fair and open participation of all interested people.

C.   Discrimination in the conduct of party affairs on any basis shall be prohibited.


Adopted this    22nd  day of November 2022.


We strive to engage and empower Democratic voters, candidates, and elected officials within Coos County, Oregon, and

the United States of America.